Hello, I’m Kathi

I teach yoga to people who, like me, work too much, sleep too little, and just need a moment to chill.

When and Where I Teach Yoga

Wind Down Yoga Thursdays, 8 - 9 PM

Restorative Yoga Sundays 7 - 8 PM

Online at Lighthouse Yoga Center

What I Teach

I teach practices and rituals that help people to sleep better, feel better, and build toward long-term health gains. My classes are specifically designed to help you to down-regulate so you can quiet your mind, settle your body, and sleep better ( ु⁎ᴗᵨᴗ⁎)ु.zZ.

My classes are perfect for people who are:

  • Want to sleep better

  • New to yoga

  • Are feeling stiff or want to increase ease of movement or flexibility

  • In need of a break or to find balance with fast-paced lives or want to reduce stress

  • Desiring a deeper connection with body or self

In my classes, you can expect that we will be:

  • Moving at a slower pace

  • Coordinating breath with movement

  • Learning safe alignment in yoga poses 

  • Using tools/props to create comfort and ease in your body as you practice

  • Exploring different variations of poses to discover what works for your body

    Contact me here